Celebrating Saint Nicholas Day

Celebrating Saint Nicholas Day

Celebrating Saint Nicholas Day

Celebrating Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated around the world on the 6th of December. On the eve of this special holiday, Saint Nicholas comes to fill children's shoes with small toys and sweets.

Many children set out their shoes filled with carrots and hay for Saint Nicholas' horse (or donkey, some stories go) hoping for small gifts in exchange.

Children love the wonder of putting their shoes out for Saint Nicholas and seeing them filled in the morning! 


Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children and has a legendary habit of secret gift-giving. Chocolate coins are a traditional sweet to fill Saint Nicholas shoes, but we recommend a few special open-ended toys! 

May your Saint Nicholas celebrations be full of wonder, play and joy!



  • I remember celebrating St. Nickolas on Dec. 6, as a child. My siblings and I would use my Dad’s shoes because they were the biggest and so be filled with more candy. 😊

    Theresa Chavez on

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