Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

My nice red rosy apple, has a secret all unseen...

"Advent, advent a candle burns

First one, then two, then three then four

Their stands the child outside the door."


We light our candles adding one each week. The children put little shells and bones on week one, around the candles.

Week two they add some greens and other plant life found in our yard.

Week three we take out our nativity scene from Bunspechte and add the animals.

Week four is for the people. We add shepards, Mary and Joseph walking.

Hanging on our wall behind all this is a star playsilk.

We say this verse:

The first light of Advent Is the light of stones that shines in the crystals and sea shells and bones.

The second light of Advent is the light of the plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes, dance.

The third light of Advent is the light of beasts that light that shines hope to the greatest and the least.

The fourth light of Advent is the hight of the Human the light that shines love to give and understand.

It is magical.

Fills us all with a deep awe of the world. And an understanding of what it means to be human.

And on Christmas Eve we add the Christ child.

Blessings on your families.


  • I love the idea of using playsilks as decorations for Advent!
    amy B.

    Amy on

  • Love the star silk as the backdrop for your advent scene! We cherish this advent time as well with many nature items and decorations.

    Katherine on

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