Make a Simple Doll from a Playsilk
Many times when my children were small we would find ourselves in a park, hotel, restaurant or airplane when suddenly they would need a simple prop for pretending.
Our dear friend Torii most often requested a baby. I got good at wrapping up a playsilk in such a way that she could cradle it, love it and imagine it was her real baby.
My sons more often wanted an animal, or a throwing toy. We learned to tie silks into little animals for floor play and shooting stars to throw around in hotel rooms.
This summer, as you travel, consider packing some playsilks for your children to play with. Torii was also very fond of packing, her mom appreciated that the playsilks packed up small! They fold up small, but open up to be quite big and are versatile! Grandparents will be surprised to see what the children come up with and may join in the play too.
Here is one of Torii's babies.

I often have used a Giant Playsilk on my lap as a backdrop to tell stories with my Playsilk doll. This one I made with a small ball, I tied a Mini Playsilk around her head to make a neck, and then draped another Mini Playsilk around her as a blanket. As I tell the story it imbues the doll with life. The children usually take the doll, after story time, and go play an imaginative game of house.
xoxo Sarah

i’m a preschool teacher and a better question might be what have my children NOT done with a play silk? haha! they’ve been all kinds of clothing, blankets, capes, wings, they like to play “haircut” and wrap them around themselves so the hair doesn’t fall on them, they’ve been “doors” when clipped to boxes, they’ve been various animals, used them to make tunnels…the list really does go one and on! :-)
Becki on
Our family lives in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the weather does not permit the children enjoy all the seasons throughout the year. Sarah’s silks help me to set up the nature tables for them to help them understand about the nature and seasons. And Rainbow Scape is my favorite, every time I come into my daughters room it is there hung over the window curtain rod, making everyone feel so wonderful. It is the only rainbow my kids able to see. Thank you, Sarah, for your wonderful silks!
Elena on