
Why are Playsilks Used in Waldorf Classrooms?

Why are Playsilks Used in Waldorf Classrooms?

A basket of playsilks are a staple of most Waldorf preschool and kindergarten classrooms. And they've become very popular among families of kids between 3-10 as well.

I think its because they are versatile, soft and vibrantly colored. Children gravitate to them when playing pretend. See our article on 100 Things to Do With a Playsilk for ideas (and read the comments for inspiring ideas from our customers).

Teachers and parents are pleased to have silks in their kid's play space because they look pretty and are easy to store away and keep tidy. It's quite delightful to watch the things children think of to use playsilks for.

Silk has wonderful properties like it is eco friendly, biodegradable and renewable. In China the silk is farmed and thousands of Mulberry trees are grown to harvest the leaves to feed the hungry caterpillars. They must be fed by hand and no pesticides can be used as the caterpillars are sensitive tp all chemicals. When silk items are no longer needed they compost back into the earth quickly unlike nylon, acrylic or other petroleum based fabrics and plastic.

So, there are many reasons to choose playsilks! Inspiring to the imagination, years of play value, good for the earth and lovely to have in your home/school.

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